Audi Zombie Advert


Audi Zombie Advert

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The German manufacturer invokes World War Z with their new Audi zombie advert, implores you to take your prized possession to a dealer for all your servicing needs.

While you might have a special connection with your local mechanic, picturing him/her has a zombie might be particularly off-putting. Never-the-less Audi reckons that what he/she might just be with their new advert, titled Mechanics.

Worth watching, for the laugh alone, the new Audi zombie advert shows, hungry, crazed zombie mechanics falling over themselves to get their hands on the Audi A5, presumably to strip the unsuspecting owner of his or her cash…and brains perhaps? Or both!

Either way, their message is clear: Have your Audi serviced at authorised Audi service centre or risk death at the hands of the Zombie Apocalypse.

Well played Audi and Thjnk Berlin GmbH – the BRAINS behind the ad.

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